Signing Transfers and Orders

Last Article Update 03.05.2024

How to sign an order

For Your Attention Widget For Your Attention Widget

If you want to sign an order, you can do this in different ways. If you have activated the "For your attention" widget on your overview page, George will remind you directly of orders that you can singn. Click on the open orders to go directly to your signature folder.

Or go via the main menu on the on the left side on the overview page of George Business: You will find the "Payment Orders" under the menu item "Your Orders". Click on this and you will also end up in your signature folder.

When you create a new order, you can also sign it directly. Just as you like.

Signing methods at George Business

After the first authorised signatory has signed, George checks whether all signatures required for execution have been made. In the case of collective signing, the second signature can now be executed. If all signatures are present, the order is processed immediately and stored in your order history.

Bundle several orders

If you want to jointly sign different payment orders you can combine them into a "bundle" and then sign them with one signature.

To do this, select the desired orders in the first step. If you have selected at least 2 entries from the list, you can create a new collection for your release. You will then find the collection in your signature folder for signing.