Customise Your Overview

Last Article Update 06.05.2024

George Business uses different so-called sections on the overview page in order to structure your accounts and other financial products, for example cards or financing. These sections are flexible components or widgets which you can personalise according to your idividual needs and wishes.

In order to customise your overview and/or your sections, please use the Customise overview function.


Widgets in the overview Widgets in the overview

Sections for a better overview

Custimise your overview Custimise your overview


Currently, there are four predefined sections on the overview page of George Business that you can personalise:

Additionally, you can add your own individual sections where you can combine different product types according to your needs, e.g. all accounts, cards and/or loans for a specific project of your company. In order to do so, just click on "new section".

Editing your sections

Customise Customise


When creating a new section or by editing an existing section you can do the following:

  • give the section a name of your choice (up to 60 characters)
  • decide whether George Business should calculate the sum of all the section's products
  • include/exclude any product from the display in the overview section
  • combine various product types if needed
  • delete the section

Arranging your sections

The sections can be arranged according to your wishes. For example, you can choose which sections you would like to have displayed on the overview page and in which order you would like to have them displayed.

Depending on which section you need most often, it is advisable to place it at the top. You can drag and drop the sections in the overview itself to prioritise them. To do this, for example, click on the section with the mouse ("drag"), hold down the mouse button and "drop" the section at the desired position.

In the section itself, you can also choose for example which account should be listed at the top. Because you know best what is important for you.