Create Bulk Transfers

Last Article Update 26.02.2024

Bulk Transfer Bulk Transfer


A bulk transfer is an order type that makes it easier and clearer to transfer many orders from one account to a large number of beneficiaries. Instead of initiating each individual transfer separately, you can summarise and approve all orders in a single transfer. Similarly, there is the bulk direct debit for direct debits from different debtors to a specific account.

When creating a bulk transfer manually, you can specify several recipients or beneficiaries for a bulk transfer, along with the corresponding individual amounts to be transferred to each recipient. This saves you time in the long run and makes your accounting easier.

In a manually created bulk transfer, you can include up to 1500 individual orders. The bulk transfer is therefore an efficient and structured way to manage multiple transfers in a single process.

Create a bulk transfer

To create a bulk transfer, select "Bulk Transfer" under "New order" in the side menu of your overview.


You must enter the following information when creating the order:

  1. The initiating account: Select an account from the list that George shows you. The order will then be executed from this account.
  2. The name of the bulk transfer: Select a name that thematically matches the order. This makes it easy for you to find it again and assign it quickly. For example, "Bonus payments" or "Employee catering".
  3. The execution date: You can set this using the calendar. Please note: George will execute all single transfers that are included in the bulk on your chosen date.


You have to choose now whether you want to have single entries or not. If so, you will see each transaction displayed individually in the order history and the account statement.


Optionally, you can also specify an ultimate debtor and the purpose code category, such as cash management, intra-company payment, interest or trade. Select the appropriate term from the list for the type of order. This works the same as when creating a single SEPA payment.


Create a bulk transfer Create a bulk transfer

Fill your bulk transfer

Your Bulk Transfer Your Bulk Transfer


Once you have created the bulk transfer, George will show you the details. This includes the account from which the transaction is being made, the execution date and whether you wanted single entries or not.

New single order within a bulk

Single Order within a bulk Single Order within a bulk

You can now add the individual orders. Please enter the following:


  1. The recipient
  2. The amount
  3. The text(optional)
  4. The the payment reference (optional)
  5. The sender reference (optional)
  6. The purpose code (optional)
  7. The ultimate creditor (optional)


If you would like to add another order, please click on "Save & new". Once you have entered all single entries to the bulk, select "Save". George will then lead you to the signing process. You can always close the window at the top right of the screen if you wish.

You'll find your freshly created bulk transfer in the signature folder, as long as it is not signed. You can find the completed bulk orders in the order history.

There you can check all the details and you can see the single entries in list form. These are sorted according to the time of creation or modification. The most recently created or amended order is always at the top of the list. 

You can edit your open bulk orders at any time. To do this, click on "Edit" in the action menu (...) on the right-hand side of your desired order in the signature folder. Here you can edit the desired orders together or individually.

Author: Tamara Berger-Feichter