Scholarship „Best of South-East“

Scholarship „Best of South-East“

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Steiermärkische Sparkasse Bank in cooperation with the University of Graz, the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, University of Technology Graz and Montanuniversität Leoben initiates “Best of South-East”, the advancement and further education program for talented and dedicated graduates und students in and from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia.

The program's aim is to provide the target groups mentioned above with international work experience as well as training and further education opportunities. Furthermore, a trainee program or internship makes it easier for students to enter professional life.

Call for Application

University of Graz

University of Technology Graz

University of Music and Performing Arts Graz

Montanuniversität Leoben

Best of South-East Promotion Video

Best of South-East cookbook

Event impressions

Board Breakfast with Dr. Bucher

Best of South-East Goodbye Event 2023/24

Best of South-East Welcome Event 2023/24

Opera Graz

Musikverein Graz

Best of South-East Kandidaten 2023/24

Christmas Get-together

Besuch Zweite Sparkasse

Best of South-East Kandidaten 2022/23

Best of South-East Welcome Event 2022/23

Board Breakfast with Dr. Bucher

Graz Opera

Interns 2022/23

Musikverein Graz

Best of South-East Kandidaten 2020/21

Best of South-East 2019/20 Welcome Brunch

Besuch Leoben

Best of South-East Welcome-Brunch

Best of South-East Welcome-Brunch


University of Graz

University of Technology Graz

University of Music and Performing Arts Graz

Montanuniversität Leoben