Your Enterprise Menu

Last Article Update 06.05.2024

George Business Header George Business Header


In the George Business header, next to the George Logo, you find the name of your company. This is also where you can access the Enterprise Menu. This menu is relevant for you if you are an admin user of your company, as you then have access to all sections as well as being able to make changes and set permissions.

(For details about your personal settings, please go to Your User Profile)

The Enterprise Menu contains the following items:

  • Company Data
  • Permissions
  • Multibanking Setup
  • Telebanking MBS Import


All information about the company

The enterprise menu provides you as an admin user with the most important information about your company's access to George Business, e.g. the details of your George Business licence. The enterprise menu is also where you can access the user permissions and set them up.

In addition, you can integrate your accounts from other Austrian banks with Multi Banking or find the Telebanking MBS Import for importing your ELBA files here.

Enterprise menu Enterprise menu