Your User Profile

Last Article Update 23.02.2024

The George Business header is home to your personal User Profile which neighbours the logout button. It is the place to go for all important information and details about your personal settings and the complete list of products that are accessible for you with George Business.


For details about your company, please go to the Enterprise Menu.


Via "Profile" you can set the language in which you would like to use George Business. The language settings currently offer German and English. You can switch between the languages any time. The language settings affect only your personal user profile. Other users in your company each have profile settings of their own.

You can also set a key combination of your choice for the "Hey George!" feature so that you can search for functions with two simple clicks.

In addition, you can activate the demo mode. In this mode, George does not display any amounts. This allows you to show it to others without revealing your account balance, transaction amounts or IBAN(s).


Your Profile Your Profile

Contact details

Here you can see and edit your own contact details, such as your address, email address or telephone number.


Contact Details Overview Contact Details Overview


In this section you can manage your access data, e.g. assign TAN cards or change your user's EB PIN (applies to SMS TAN and Card TAN login procedures).

You are also able to change your EB-PIN which you need for Logins to George Business via OTP.

Author: Tamara Berger-Feichter