The George Business Search

Last Article Update 21.11.2022

Search Bar Search Bar


You search, George finds. In the header bar of George Business, you can search for transactions that you have made within the last 7 years. Across all your accounts, cards and financing products.

For more information on how to search for transactions only within a specific account, card or product, please go here.

George search bar

No matter what you are looking for - George is happy to support you in this.

Simply enter a name, recipient, invoice number or text. You can also use the amount or date filter to narrow down your search.  Searching across all your accounts gives you maximum flexibility in finding what you're looking for.


George Search Bar George Search Bar

Amount filter

You want to search for a certain amount, but you don't remember exactly how much it was? Then the amount filter is helpful. Simply enter a minimum and a maximum amount and George will show you all transactions that are in the range you selected. Choose the amount from - to:


Amount Filter Amount Filter

Date filter

If you want to search in a specific period, use the date filter. To do this, select the desired period by clicking on a start and end date. George will then show you all the completed transactions within your desired time period.


Date Filter Date Filter

Hey George!

Now that you have found the transaction you were looking for, you might also want to find a George Business function or feature without clicking through all menus. Hey George! is your solution which you can always find in the header search bar.


To find out how this smart George Business feature works, please read more here ...


The Hey George! Button underneath the George Business search bar The Hey George! Button underneath the George Business search bar