How to Find Help and Support on George Business

Last Article Update 06.05.2024

Wherever you are with Geore Business, whatever you do, help is just a click away. A click on the help icon, to be precise. You'll find it on the lower right corner of (most of) your George Business web browser screens.


Help and Support Icon at George Business Help and Support Icon at George Business
Supor & feedback menu Supor & feedback menu


The George Business Help Menu offers you the shortcuts to the following options:

  • the George Business Tutorial: If you want to rewatch the initial George Business intro tutorial which appeared upon your very first login to George Business, you'll find it here.
  • the George Business Help Centre: Actually, this is where you are right now. A place dedicated to help you better understand George Business and his features.
  • send Feedback on George Business: With this interactive feature you can tell George with screenshots and a wide range of tools what you like and where you want him to improve. Learn more here ...
  • contact the George Business Helpdesk: for all questions that are best answered by the support team. 
  • open Hey George! - the new search which leads you directly to the most important and most used George Business features and functions.