Tips & Tricks for Your Search

Last Article Update 20.11.2022

The top header search bar The top header search bar


Whether you are using the transaction search across all accounts and products or the search within a specific account, here are some helpful tipps for better findings.

Your search criteria can be everything, from very specific to very broad. There  are various operators that help you to get the search results you want. 

George Business will find transactions which match

  • recipients/senders/business contatcs
  • dates
  • amounts
  • texts/payment references etc,

To find dates and amounts, you can also use the available quick search filters.

Find recipients, senders or business contacts

George Business finds transaction partners for you via their names, the booking info, the IBAN or account number. 

  • Use the text search to let George find your transaction partners, i.e. recipients, senders or business contacts. He will find what you are looking for, even if you type in only fragments. If you want to search for an exact name, put it in quotation marks.
  • Type in an IBAN or account (or parts of it).

Find dates

If you do not want to use the date filter, you can also find transaction dates via the sear bar. You can go exact dates, a time frame, a year, month or even more. George understands you, no matter which of the common formats you use: 

  • Search for a month by either using its full name or an abbreviation.
  • Search for a single year or a span of years.
  • Search for a time frame using the formats "DD.MM.YYYY – DD.MM.YYYY" or "DD.MM - DD.MM.YYYY".
  • Search for an exact date: type the date, using the format DD.MM.YYYY.
  • Use the attributes like "yesterday", "today", "last", "previous", "this" or "current" to search for a day, week, month, quarter, or year, e.g. "last month".

Find amounts

The George Business search comes with an easy amount filter. However, you can also use the normal search bar.

George finds transactions that match exact amounts, but also absolute, approximate, positive, and negative amounts. You can also search for amounts smaller or bigger than a certain number:

  • Exact amounts: e.g. = 135,17
  • Absolute amounts: e.g. 150. That means George will find amounts between 150,01€ and 150,99€ for you.
  • Approximate amounts: e.g. ~ 150. That means George will find amounts +/- 10% of the amount you typed in.
  • Positive amounts (incoming transactions, assets): e.g. + 150
  • Negative amounts (outgoing transactions, debts): e.g. - 150
  • Bigger/smaller than: e.g. > 150, < 150.

Find texts

If you want to find transactions according to their text, payment reference, sender reference or any other transaction detail, please use the text search:

  • Search for keywords. 
  • Search for text fragments or word fragments. If you want to search for an exact keyword, use quotation marks.