Find transactions across acounts & products

Last Article Update 15.11.2022

The top header search bar which will find transactions across all products The top header search bar which will find transactions across all products


If you want to find certain transactions but you are not sure in which account, card or other financial product to search for them, the general George Business search is your place to go. Here, George Business will look across all your company's products in order to find the wanted transactions.

The Search Bar

In the header search bar of George Business which is always accessible from your George Business overview and most other subpages, you can always search for transactions that you have made within the last 7 years.

Searching across all your accounts gives you maximum flexibility in finding what you're looking for.


For more information on how to search for transactions only within a specific account, card or product, please go here.

How to start your search

Start your search with whatever part of the transactions in question you know. Simply enter a name (or part of it), recipient, invoice number, text, reference number, IBAN or anything else.

Here are some additional tips & tricks for your search.


You can also use the date or amount filter to narrow down your search.  

Filter for dates

If you want to search in a specific period, use the date filter. To do this, select the desired period by clicking on a start and end date. George will then show you all the transactions within your desired time period.



the search date filter the search date filter

Filter for amounts

You want to search for a certain amount, but you don't remember exactly how much it was? Then the amount filter is helpful. Simply enter a minimum and a maximum amount and George will show you all transactions that are in the range you selected. Choose the amount from - to:


the amount filter within the search the amount filter within the search

Your search results

George Buusiness search results with various filters George Buusiness search results with various filters

George will present the transactions he found fitting to your search parameters in a chronological order, beginning with the most recent transaction.

If you want to further narrow George's findings, you have a range of filters:

  • by accounts: just click one of the accounts on the left side menu
  • by ingoing/outgoing transactions: just open the "filter" dropdown
  • the amount filter as explained above
  • the date filter as explained above

Apart from the booking date, the amount and the most important info (which in most of the cases is the recipient or sender), George Business displays some additional info on the found transactions and the valuta date.

In order to access the transaction details, just click on the specific search result.

Last but nor least, you can print & export your search results from here by clicking on the respective symbols on top of the findings list.