Alternative Login- and signing methods

Internetbanking George for customers without smartphones

  • s Identity desktop for PC/Mac
  • cardTAN method with cardTAN generator

You do not own a smartphone or would rather use your PC/Mac for the login and authorisation of your orders in internet banking George?
Learn more about s Identity desktop or the cardTAN method.

The 3 step to your s Identity Desktop


On desktop PC/Mac:
Download s Identity application


Activate in George on PC/Mac at “settings”


Follow the next steps in George

How to activate s Identity desktop?

Please download s Identity application to your PC/Mac. Login to internet banking George and start the activation of s Identity in the settings at "Login & Signing". George will guide you through the process. At the end of the George process you see an activation code. Use this code to activate s Identity app on your PC/Mac.

How to use s Identity desktop

Login mit s Identity

  1. Enter your signatory number on the internet banking login page and click "Start Login".
  2. Open s Identity manually and enter your s Identity-PIN that you have chosen at initial activation.
  3. Check the accuracy of the login information using the verification code displayed. If the data does not match or you are unable to trigger login, please call our 24-hr helpdesk at 05 0100 + sort code of your institute.
  4. Confirm the login directly in s Identity and you will be logged into Internetbanking George.

Authorisations with s Identity

  1. Start the authorisation of a transfer in George or in George app.
  2. Open s Identity manually and enter your s Identity-PIN that you have chosen at initial activation.
  3. Check the accuracy of the data for your authorisation in s Identity. If the data does not match or you are unable to trigger an authorisation, please call our 24-hr helpdesk at 050100 + sort code of your institute.
  4. Confirm the authorisation in your s Identity.

Login and signing with s Identity Desktop (German only)

This is what you will need for s Identity desktop

Your personal login data for George

In order to use s Identity and George, you need your personal login data.

A current account with Erste Bank oder Sparkasse

Desktop Computer

  • PC/Notebook with OS Windows
  • Mac/MacBook with MacOS

Download s Identity desktop for free

Directly download s Identity desktop for MacOS.

minimum requirement: MacOS 10.15 or later

Directly download s Identity desktop for Microsoft Windows

minimum requirement: Windows 8.1 or later

Your advantages with s Identity

Highly secure

Putting an end to password phishing
No more passwords that third parties may spy out. Your login is done with s Identity application

Highly secure

  • technical tie of s Identity to your PC/Mac and your user number
  • safe access to s Identity with a freely electable s Identity-PIN code

Simply more convenient and faster with the "One-Click Wonder"

Just confirm with just one click
Login and authorization are confirmed with one click in s Identity. No more SMS codes.

Many orders, one authorisation
Sign up to 25 transfers (instead of a maximum of 5 when using TAC-SMS).

More information at signature
More information in your s Identity application about what exactly you are signing.

Use several desktops

One user, several desktop computers
Several desktop computers PC/Mac be authorised – always protected by your personal PIN code. You are not forced to use on PC/Mac only.

Several authorisation numbers, one s Identity
s Identity desktop can be registered for and employed by several users – of course with a separate code for each of them.

Important note:

If using s Identity as a desktop installation your signing with s Identity has then to be performed with the PC/Mac where your s Identity is installed and activated. But you are free to install s Identity desktop on several PCs/Macs (as above mentioned).

Do you have an iPhone or Android smartphone?
Then we recommend using s Identity app on your smartphone. This way you may use George on all devices- even on trustworthy PCs/Macs whilst on the way/travelling.

cardTAN – signing with BankCard and cardTAN generator

cardTAN is an alternative authorisation and signing method for Internetbanking George. To use cardTAN, all you need is your cardTAN generator that you may order in George “Settings” at “Login & Signing”.

Advantages of cardTAN

  • own hardware
  • no mobile network or internet needed

How to activate cardTAN

Activate your signing method in George via PC/Mac in the “settings” at “Login & Signing”. Important note: Changing the signing method should only be done if you already have your cardTAN generator.

How to order a cardTAN generator?
The cardTAN generator may be ordered in Internetbanking George via PC/Mac in the “settings”. It neither needs any mobile network or internet nor a connection to your PC/Mac at all. You may even use your cardTAN generator when being abroad. Please note: Shipping the cardTAN generator to a Non-Austrian address is permitted due to security reasons.

How to use cardTAN

  • Insert your debit card “BankCard” into the cardTAN generator.
  • Enter your personal EB-PIN (Electronic Banking-PIN) that you have chosen during activation.
  • The cardTAN generator is ready to use.
Login with CardTan:
  • Start the cardTAN-Generator: Insert your debit card or TANCard, enter your EB-PIN and press the OK-Button
  • Press the blue TAN-Button
  • Enter the displayed TAN into the password field on the login screen

Signing with cardTAN: 

  • Scan the data of your transaction from the screen (Flickercode) or enter data manually using the cardTAN’s keyboard.
  • The cardTAN is then displayed on the cardTAN generator. You simply need to enter this cardTAN in Internetbanking, it will be checked by the bank’s server – done.

Signing a transaction in George using CardTAN (German only)

Questions & Answers to cardTAN