Create a SEPA Direct Debit

Last Article Update 06.05.2024

When it comes to SEPA direct debits, the form looks a little different from other forms that you can use with George. The following article explains how to create a SEPA direct debit. 

To create a SEPA direct debit, follow these steps:

1. From your George Business overview, select "New Order" in left-side navigation.

Of course, you can also initiate a new order directly from one of your accounts or using Hey George!


2. Select "Single Direct Debit" from the dropdown menu.


3. Select the initiating account and select the debtor.

4. After having selected the debtor, you can select the respective mandate. If you don't have mandates yet, you can create a new one by clicking on "+ New mandate" within the dropdown menu.

5. Enter the amount and, optionally, enter either a text, a payment reference or a sender reference.

6. Select the due date.

SEPA Direct Debit SEPA Direct Debit

7. By clicking on "More options", other optional fields expand: 

  • Purpose code & Purpose code category:
    With the purpose code category, you can decide how to categorise your direct debit.

  • Ultimate debtor & ultimate creditor:
    If the initiating account and/or the debtor are not the same people who will in fact send and receive money, you can change them here.

 You can either save this direct debit, save it & create a new one or sign it right away.