Print & Export Search Results

Last Article Update 20.11.2022


Print of search results Print of search results


After clicking the print option, George Business will open the print dialogue and tell you how many transactions he is going to print.

The rest of the printing process works accordingly to the print of the account history:

  1. Click on the "Print" button. 
  2. Your device's print dialogue will open. Select your printer and go ahead. If you want a PDF go for "Save as PDF" in the printer selection.




Export of search results Export of search results


After clicking the export icon, George Business will open the export dialogue, telling you once more the criteria for your search results.

The rest of the export process works accordingly to the export of your account history:


  1. Select your file format: CSVExcel or JSON. If you are aiming for a PDF, please use the print function.
  2. Decide if you want to include the transaction details of bulk orders that you may have. If you don't include them, George Business will only export the summary info of your bulk orders.
  3. Check/uncheck the various transaction details that you want to include in your exported file. By drag & drop you can also sort the order of the details.
  4. In the Options you can specify further details such as separators, sorting and the style of the inverted commas.
  5. Check the preview of your file to be exported.
  6. Ready? Download the file. George Business will automatically start the export.
  7. Save the downloaded file wherever you want or need it.