Print Your Account History

Last Article Update 20.11.2022

Print your account history Print your account history

In order to print out your account history from George Business (or to save it as a PDF), please use the option that you find right on top of the history.

You can either print the complete account history (and use a filter later in the print dialogue) or just certain search results

For more information on how to print your overview of all/several accounts, please go here.

Your print options

Druckoption  über der Kontohistorie Druckoption  über der Kontohistorie


Click on the small print icon on top your your account history. George Business will then open the print dialogue with all your options. 

Print of account history Print of account history
  1. Select the time span for the print: select either a month, a year or an exact time span (from - to). George Business will then tell you how many transaction he is going to include in the print.
  2. If you are going to print only prefiltered transactions or search results, there will be no further time filter and George will tell you the number of transactions that match your filter/search results.
  3. Click on the "Print" button 
  4. Your device's print dialogue will open. Select your printer and go ahead. If you want a PDF go for "Save as PDF" in the printer selection.