Your Account History

Last Article Update 21.11.2022

Account history Account history


Every financial product that has incoming and/or outgoing transactions, i.e. current and savings accounts, credit cards, loans and other financial products, has a transaction history. It includes all completed transactions that happened on that account.

By default, each account or transaction history includes transactions of the current year plus the last 7 years.


How to access your account history

Once you have opened an account/credit card/product, e.g. from an overview widget, George Business will by default show the account history. Only for loans, he will by default go to a financing overview first.

As long as you browse through your account/credit card/product, you will always find the account or transaction history in the left side menu.

left account menu with history option left account menu with history option

What is the history showing?

Transaction history Transaction history

George will present the transactions in a chronological order, beginning with the most recent transaction.

If you want to narrow the shown transactions, you have a range of filters and the search option:

  • by ingoing/outgoing transactions: just open the "filter" dropdown
  • the amount filter for the
  • the date filter as explained above

Apart from the booking date, the amount and the most important info (which in most of the cases is the recipient or sender), George Business displays some additional info on transactions and the valuta date.

In order to access the transaction details, just click on the respective transaction

Last but not least, you can print or export your account history from here by clicking on the respective symbols on top of the account history.